SDRE your local real estate agent.

SDRE is a local boutique agency  which was established in the Kensington/Victoria Park community in 2008.

Licensee, Steven Davis has been selling in the area since 1992 and is well regarded for his expertise in residential sales in the area.

Steven, Ethan, Sarah and Sharron are active in the sales and management of properties in the area and would welcome the opportunity to assist with yours.

We are  experiencing excellent demand for rentals so if you need any help think of SDRE.

One bedroom units are now achieving in excess of $420.00 per week and two bedroom units are now achieving in excess of $530.00.

Our current vacancy rate is  1 property and most properties are being leased prior to the current tenant vacating.

Our business is concentrated around the suburbs of  Kensington and Victoria Park for both the leasing and selling of residential real estate.

Should you have an enquiry then it is best to email  Steven on or call him on 0418 904 657.